Boost your Sales with the Indispensable Power of Organising or Attending In-Person Business Events

MeetPoint Blog Staff • Oct 17, 2023

In the fast-changing world, where technology and digital tools have become dominant, many companies don't use the endless opportunities of live events, specially in-person events, to foster company's sales. While there are many benefits of digital marketing strategies, it is essential not to overlook the importance of in-person events. However, despite the growth of e-commerce and virtual communication, events remain a vital component of a successful sales strategy. Events offer a unique opportunity for face-to-face engagement, relationship building, and product showcasing, making them an indispensable part of any sales funnel. In this article, we will explore the reasons why events are vital in sales, how they enhance the sales process, and provide valuable tips on leveraging events to drive sales success.

1.    Building Relationships

One of the primary reasons events are crucial in stimulating sales is the opportunity they provide for building and nurturing relationships. Face-to-face interactions allow sales professionals to connect with potential clients and existing customers on a more personal level. This human connection can help establish trust, rapport, and a deeper understanding of customer needs. It's often said that people buy from people they like and trust, and events facilitate this trust-building process like no other method. In the world full of technology and digital tools, in-person events are key to building not only relationship with client, prospects and business partners, they are the most successful approach to build the community. And at MeetPoint, we firmly believe that future companies' success will depend on the comprehensiveness and loyalty of their communities.

2.    Showcasing Products and Services

Events offer an excellent platform to showcase your products and services. Whether you're exhibiting at a trade show, hosting a product launch, or conducting a live demonstration, events allow you to present your offerings in a tangible and engaging way. Attendees can see, touch, and experience your products, making it easier for them to make informed purchasing decisions. The power of a hands-on experience cannot be underestimated in the sales process.

3.    Generating Leads

Sales professionals are constantly on the lookout for new leads. Events serve as a fertile ground for lead generation. Whether you're attending a conference, hosting a workshop, or organising a networking event, you're likely to encounter individuals interested in your product, industry or niche. Collecting contact information, engaging in conversations, and providing value at events can result in a significant influx of potential customers for your sales pipeline.

4.    Fostering Customer Loyalty

It's not just about acquiring new customers; events can be instrumental in retaining and nurturing existing ones. Customer appreciation events, exclusive previews, and loyalty programs can help you show your clients that you value their business. This fosters customer loyalty and increases the likelihood of repeat business, referrals, and upselling opportunities.

5.    Differentiating Your Brand

In a crowded marketplace, it's crucial to differentiate your brand from the competition. Hosting events can set you apart and establish a unique identity in the eyes of your clients and even competitors. Events offer the opportunity to create memorable experiences, engage with your audience in innovative ways, and leave a lasting impression, making it more likely for potential customers to remember and choose your brand when making a purchase decision.

6.    Closing Deals

Events provide an ideal setting for closing deals. After building rapport, showcasing products, and addressing customer needs, sales professionals can use events to create a sense of urgency, offer special deals or incentives, and seal the deal. The face-to-face environment allows for personalized negotiations and quick decision-making, often resulting in higher conversion rates.

7.    Enhancing Market Research

Sales professionals understand the importance of staying updated on market trends and customer preferences. Events, particularly industry conferences, are an invaluable source of market research. You can learn about emerging trends, identify your competition, and gather insights into what matters most to your target audience. This data can be instrumental in fine-tuning your sales strategy and adapting to a constantly changing marketplace.

8.    Showcasing Thought Leadership

Events also allow salespeople and organizations to position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. Presenting at conferences, leading discussions, or participating in panel sessions gives you the opportunity to share your expertise, knowledge, and insights. This not only boosts your credibility but also attracts potential customers who are looking for trusted advisors to guide them in their decision-making process.


In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, events remain a vital and indispensable component of any successful sales strategy. From building relationships and showcasing products to generating leads and fostering customer loyalty, events offer a myriad of opportunities to enhance the sales process. They allow sales professionals to connect with customers on a deeper level, differentiate their brand, and stay at the forefront of market trends. In a world where technology often replaces face-to-face interactions, events continue to be a powerful tool for driving sales success. So, the next time you're evaluating your sales strategy, remember that events are not just a luxury but a vital necessity for growth and success.

By MeetPoint Blog Staff 31 Jan, 2024
Company MeetPoint is among 500+ organisations, supporting the Net Zero Carbon Event initiative. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative, launched in 2021, is the events industry’s global campaign to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 at the latest, with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global GHG emissions by 50% by 2030. In December 2023, the Net Zero Carbon Events published seven guidance documents to support the event industry in achieving its carbon emissions goals. The seven guidance documents can be downloaded for free here at this link for the following areas: Smart production and waste management Venue energy Logistics Food and food waste Travel and accommodation Carbon offsetting Measurement The Net Zero Carbon Events encourages collaboration with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain. The complex value chain of events requires different industries to work together to integrate net zero approaches throughout each event’s lifecycle. Only with mutual collaboration of all stakeholders involved in event industry changes can be implemented and goals achieved. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative focuses on bringing events themselves to net zero, in contrast to the current focus in industries of bringing organisations involved to net zero. According to the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative, progress in different action areas is asymmetric as some industries are more complex than others, or form part of more mature industries in terms of their decarbonisation plans. Therefore the goal of the initiative is to align progress amongst stakeholders. At Meetpoint, as event software solution provider, we develop our solutions with net zero carbon events in mind. Below you can find few options on how you can benefit from using event management software when trying to meet the net zero carbon by 2050. Photo credits: The cover photo is AI-generated.
By MeetPoint Blog Staff 24 Oct, 2023
In 2019, a research study on sustainability of conferences discovered that a three-day conference attended by 800 people resulted in the emission of 455 tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to 100 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year. Traveling, food waste, promotional materials, plenty of paper prints. The swag industry alone, valued at USD 64 billion , produces a wide range of cheap items such as USB sticks, power banks, water bottles, branded socks, pencils, stress balls. On the other hand, when event professionals are planning an event strategy based on environmental optimisation, they should also reconsider the social impact events have on people. People are social beings and therefore the in-person events are here to stay. After the COVID-19 pandemics ended, we have seen the social need people and businesses had during lockdowns and restrictions. Digital events are still organised, but in-person events are again in full swing. If in-person (and hybrid) events are here to stay, we need to change these events in a more sustainable way. Event professionals must plan in-person events which do less harm to the environment – use processes and materials which are as environment-friendly as possible.
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“Texas Feels Slovenia” is a large scale event in Dallas, Texas, USA, organised by multiple goverment entities and business agencies with the aim of connecting top business, sports, science, and tourism . A set of unique events for the American market in Slovenia packed into 2 days it divides into the Business Investment Conference , the Slovenian Tourism Workshop and I feel Slovenia Night which is a part of a two-year partnership agreement with the Dallas Mavericks basketball team.
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Operacija Meetpoint – Digitalna transformacija za globalni preboj
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