Level up your attendee engagement

Provide a digital noise free enviromnent for your event attendees only. Let them talk in branded closed enviromnent using Meetpoint's networking platform.

Provide a safe and fun networking enviroment

Branded space

Recreate the look and feel of your event, enable sponsored sections and add exclusive event materials.

Community management

Spark authentic conversations among attendees. Meetpoint gives you the ability to build communities pre-, during and after event.

1-1 Meetings

Provide the tools for the attendees to connect individually and get the most out of participanting in your event.


Upgrade your event with networking

Engage your audience and sponsors to make fruitful conversations and to build relationships.

Promote sponsors
Engage audience
Send meetings
Include bonus features

You need a reliable partner to organise an event. MeetPoint solutions, along with the conference app, have taken the registration and networking experience of the SPORTO conference to the next level. We would also like to praise the team’s responsiveness and professional attitude.

Dragan Perendija

Projects Director

MeetPoint tools are essential when organising large events. Another thing that’s extremely important is the fact that the MeetPoint team is always on hand to respond to the challenges that you always hit when it comes to event management. They also launch new features every year.

Matic Švab

Executive Director of Finance and Marketing

By MeetPoint Blog Staff 31 Jan, 2024
Company MeetPoint is among 500+ organisations, supporting the Net Zero Carbon Event initiative. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative, launched in 2021, is the events industry’s global campaign to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 at the latest, with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global GHG emissions by 50% by 2030. In December 2023, the Net Zero Carbon Events published seven guidance documents to support the event industry in achieving its carbon emissions goals. The seven guidance documents can be downloaded for free here at this link for the following areas: Smart production and waste management Venue energy Logistics Food and food waste Travel and accommodation Carbon offsetting Measurement The Net Zero Carbon Events encourages collaboration with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain. The complex value chain of events requires different industries to work together to integrate net zero approaches throughout each event’s lifecycle. Only with mutual collaboration of all stakeholders involved in event industry changes can be implemented and goals achieved. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative focuses on bringing events themselves to net zero, in contrast to the current focus in industries of bringing organisations involved to net zero. According to the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative, progress in different action areas is asymmetric as some industries are more complex than others, or form part of more mature industries in terms of their decarbonisation plans. Therefore the goal of the initiative is to align progress amongst stakeholders. At Meetpoint, as event software solution provider, we develop our solutions with net zero carbon events in mind. Below you can find few options on how you can benefit from using event management software when trying to meet the net zero carbon by 2050. Photo credits: The cover photo is AI-generated.
By MeetPoint Blog Staff 24 Oct, 2023
In 2019, a research study on sustainability of conferences discovered that a three-day conference attended by 800 people resulted in the emission of 455 tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to 100 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year. Traveling, food waste, promotional materials, plenty of paper prints. The swag industry alone, valued at USD 64 billion , produces a wide range of cheap items such as USB sticks, power banks, water bottles, branded socks, pencils, stress balls. On the other hand, when event professionals are planning an event strategy based on environmental optimisation, they should also reconsider the social impact events have on people. People are social beings and therefore the in-person events are here to stay. After the COVID-19 pandemics ended, we have seen the social need people and businesses had during lockdowns and restrictions. Digital events are still organised, but in-person events are again in full swing. If in-person (and hybrid) events are here to stay, we need to change these events in a more sustainable way. Event professionals must plan in-person events which do less harm to the environment – use processes and materials which are as environment-friendly as possible.

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